
Hi! I'm Iviana Bynum.

but he was just trying to help

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read

My husband’s morning thoughts are like a crowd of Black Friday shoppers bursting into the store.

This morning he charged into our room interrupting my chill and sacred morning time. Cringe.

My husband is an artist. He’s so creative and full of ideas from the moment he wakes up. His morning energy is so intense for my sensitive heart.

Knowing how contrary we are, he wakes up early, makes coffee, and spends his mornings in the living room or his office illustrating.

Not today though. 🤦🏽‍♀️

He was extra inspired today. So much so that he forgot our deal.

He came in with a big Koolaid smile saying, “wanna talk?” Without an answer or even an OK he started his idea flood. He was full of ideas for the new group program I’m offering next month. I sat and listened, nodding my head, adding my input here and there. The ideas started hitting me like a tidal wave.

I started taking notes, thinking, this is some good stuff, and planning ways I could implement them. His idea tsunami kept crashing over me stronger and stronger until I was buried under a massive pile of theoretical sand.

Everything inside me screamed, “No! You’re going off the path!” I didn’t say it out loud but my face, my energy, everything about me was saying it.

One look at me and his eyes widened. “Okay, baby. I’m gonna go make you some coffee and give you space. I’m sorry. Sometimes I just can’t help myself.” he said with his head down.

“Thanks babe. Those are great ideas. I’m not going to get off track this time though.”

That was a close one.

Confusion and indecision will always find ways to poke their ugly little heads in our lives however they can.

Sometimes it’s obvious. Sometimes they come in the form of very handsome, dimple-faced and enthusiastic husbands who are, “just trying to help.”

But if you’re going to be a woman of purpose. If you’re going to complete what you’ve set out to do. If you’re going to have a vision at all—and stick to it— you must be bold and decisive.

We’re all creative somehow but overthinking, over-researching, and even over-praying can get us out of alignment with the blessing that’s already there for the taking.

These patterns create massive mental blocks keeping us from moving forward and taking on life-altering actions. We’re left with crippling fear.

Before I was equipped with emotional intelligence and tools to regulate my nervous system like the Aroma Freedom Technique, indecision and negative patterns came rushing towards me at times of distress.

Everybody and their momma, including your momma, thinks they know what’s best for you. More often than not, you already know deep down.

And if you can’t distinguish between your inner truth and intrusive thoughts, there’s tools like AFT to help.

No matter how many new ideas you get or how much doubt tempts you, make the decision and surrender the rest to God.

It will take you to a place further than you are right now. Make the decision, stick to it with boldness, and surrender the outcome.

What are you trying to do right now but you can’t bring yourself to do it? Hit reply to this email and let me know. Sometimes I’m a little slow but I will respond to every email.

With so much love,


PS- There’s a new episode of Grace for Breakfast coming out next week and there’s a special announcement. Go subscribe now so you don’t miss it.

Hi! I'm Iviana Bynum.

Keeping your peace in this life can be challenging and scary, and sometimes you may feel stuck or hopeless. Join our community of Grace Voyagers, and listen to our podcast Grace for Breakfast. Get weekly neuroscience & Christ-based insights delivered biweekly to help you achieve unshakeable peace. We'd love for you to join us on the voyage.

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