
Hi! I'm Iviana Bynum.

Celebrating 50, Reverence, & Closet Christianity

Published about 1 year ago • 1 min read

Episode 50 went live last night and it’s time to celebrate 50 episodes!

50 episodes where I faced a swarm of bees in my office, earthquakes, and power outages. Before this one, my smoke alarms went off for absolutely no reason.

That’s right. The enemy does NOT want me to record this podcast.

And to that, Happy 50 EPISODES of Grace for Breakfast!

Have you ever shared your truth without the slightest twitch? You know when you say something to someone that you can’t hold in but inside, you twitch a little and thoughts come flooding in telling you, “Man, I shouldn’t have said that.”

When you feel that your spirit has reached the point where it no longer compromises, you are walking in strength. I did not twitch the slightest bit recording this episode. A new feeling that was glorious.

I told you the other day that I’d be sharing some heavy things on my heart so here are the topics:

  • Reverence- what does that mean and where do you stand?
  • Why we moved back to the states
  • Addressing closet Christians
  • Bonus: some miracles that have happened
  • As always, encouragement & reflection for you to ponder on

Moving forward, I’ll be preparing an episode for Sundays where I’ll be a messenger of sorts, sharing the rawness of lessons I’m consuming and giving you my best Biblical breakdown. I’m not a theologian or a preacher, just a messenger.

On Tuedays, I still plan to release interviews to share the stories of others.

I ask that you share this episode far and wide and PLEASE leave a review for the podcast.

And if you are moved by this work and feel the nudge to support it, click here to become a patron.

I look forward to continuing this work and connecting with you in a new way and I hope that you do stay along for the journey.

With so much love (I mean it wholeheartedly),


Hi! I'm Iviana Bynum.

Keeping your peace in this life can be challenging and scary, and sometimes you may feel stuck or hopeless. Join our community of Grace Voyagers, and listen to our podcast Grace for Breakfast. Get weekly neuroscience & Christ-based insights delivered biweekly to help you achieve unshakeable peace. We'd love for you to join us on the voyage.

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